As many clients are now considering how they emerge into the next phase of the pandemic
I am encouraging them to listen both widely and deeply to experience not only the losses, but also the gifts and opportunities. I recently read an article by David Rock around organisational culture and how this has shifted,
and in it he shares the NLI definition of culture, describing this as “shared everyday habits” for example …. who leaders listen to (or don’t).
There is so much to consider in capturing the learning from the last year and the hopes for a reimagined relationship with the physical and virtual possibility of work.
My plea is to listen to all. Here is one small example. What suits a well-resourced leader at the top of the career ladder will be very different from a young graduate.
I have seen first-hand those at the start of their career, needing mentoring, guiding and quite frankly exposure to what they don’t know through absorbing, witnessing and creative collaboration. Rock’s plea for inclusivity is key. His suggestion of applying the “one virtual, all virtual” rule is well worth considering.
There is much to consider beyond the building and for those thinking about this and more, you may be interested in our hosted conversations programme. This is designed for organisations, their leaders and teams with exactly this emergence in mind and moving into positive action.
Please do get in touch if you wanted to find out more.