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mental fitness

helping successful senior leaders achieve more at less personal cost


After 8 weeks you will walk away from this programme with:

  • increased mental fitness

  • a better understanding of how you can achieve peak performance

  • the beginnings of a different relationship with your inner critic 

  • clarity around your stress triggers

  • a toolkit of techniques to return to calm when you get emotionally hijacked

  • an understanding of your self-sabotaging patterns

step 3.
group coaching

step 4.

about the programme

This is a virtual 8-week mental fitness course run in conjunction with the Positive Intelligence cutting edge app with weekly POD meetings, video sessions and daily practice. After an introduction to the technology we will be using and discussion around commitment, we will come together as a POD to agree how we will work together; confidentiality and commitment to everyone’s success. The final group coaching session will focus on sustaining practice.

This is a Randolph Partnership Programme run in conjunction with Positive Intelligence Inc.

Below is an overview of the programme structure:

step 3.
group coaching

  • Performance goal setting

  • Introduction to Mental Fitness

  • Commitment and accountability

  • Weekly video

  • Daily practice

  • Weekly POD meeting with coach

  • Themes, commitments, sustaining practice

  • Follow up evaluation survey

step 4.

step 2.
6 week intensive programme

step 3.
group coaching session

step 1.
programme induction

This programme can be run for groups or cohorts within an organisation or for individuals as part of a 1:1 coaching engagement.

We are planning to run group, team as well as individual cohorts this year. Do you want to join? If you'd like a place on the next cohort or interested in finding out more then please complete the expression of interest form and we'll be in touch:

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