
Jan 3, 2022

Starting with gratitude

Happy 2022!! I wanted to take a moment to model what I strongly nudge my clients to do - pause to acknowledge and celebrate our achievements.

Revisiting the intentions I set last year to provide more of a contribution to leaders and be more creative in the process, I am proud of all we have achieved together. Our work on guiding organisations to attend well to endings is having real impact, as discussed in our “In conversations” podcasts. We have brought 20 minutes of calm reflection in our Take20 series. Created a new female leadership programme focusing on mental fitness, Spoke at some fantastic events such as CSA spring conference, ACEVOfest and so much more.

I wanted to say an ENORMOUS THANK YOU to all my creative collaborative partners Lizzie Bentley Bowers (she/her), Jeremy Keeley, Rosie Ferguson, Caroline Hall, Wendy Bedborough, Karen Dean MCC, Iona Lawrence, Sally Chesman, Fred Darbonne, Karyn Prentice, Elaine Patterson, Amy Braier, Shoshana Boyd Gelfand, John Cushing, Michael Weadock, Jess Meyer-Rassow and am really looking forward to seeing what this year has in store!!
